Tabouli, Hummus & Recipe Testing
I have the privilege of testing some recipes for Catherine and her new cookbook. I had planned on making tabouli for about three days, and it just so happened that she sent me a tabouli recipe to try. The only thing I had to go out and buy for it was the green onion, since it's not something I normally buy at home. I got some local organic green onions. I decided to make hummus to go along with the tabouli as well as some Ezekiel 4:9 pita bread and blue corn chips. Ezekiel pita bread consists of: organic 100% whole wheat flour, water, organic fresh carrots, organic barley flour, organic millet flour, organic lentil flour, organic spelt flour, organic soya flour, fresh yeast and sea salt. The website is
I normally make hummus by setting up the food processor and dumping chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, garlic, cumin, paprikia, sea salt and lemon juice and mushing it all together. Once in a while I'll add those already roasted peppers from a jar and I decided to do that on Sunday. I guess I had forgotten how long the peppers were already opened in there, and I made the hummus and it looked and smelled bad. I knew it was the peppers so I dumped it (ugh) and decided to actually follow a recipe! I made Dreena's "Creamy Hummus" from Vive le Vegan and it came out wonderful. I love how there's toasted sesame oil and that lingering flavor. Yum. I cannot give out any recipes, but first off all, if you don't have Vive le Vegan, buy it. All great recipes are in there including this fast simple hummus. Catherine's tabouli was rated an A by me and a B by Ray, but he doesn't really like tabouli in the first place. We did end up making mini sandwiches out of the pita, hummus and tabouli and we were both diggin into that! I know I added more lemon juice than she called for but that's because for an unknown reason I was squeezing (and measuring) the lemons right over the actual bowl. Big mistake. Besides it being on the lemon-y side, the tabouli was great especially with yellow vine tomatoes and I did like/eat the green onions. The dinner was an overall success and I know Catherine's first cookbook and Dreena's 3rd cookbook (both coming out in the "near" future) will be a success. I am looking forward to cooking out of both of them! I am also excited for that cupcake cookbook to come out. Maybe that will inspire me to do something about the oven.
Out of the series of recipes Catherine gave me, a fruit smoothie was included. How convienent that I just so happened to have 2 leftover brownish bananas and popped them in the freezer. I cannot give too much info here (as this is the testing stage), but it was a mostly blueberry-banana-flax smoothie and the most wonderful creamy consistency and nothing needs to be changed. Blueberry was my fruit of choice and usually is. Amazingly, there was no ice cream in here. I wasn't allowed to tamper/substitute in the testing, ha.
And this was my wonderful treat last night. I started out just having ice cream. Then Ray took out the last of his nasty Hershey's syrup from the fridge that was probably old and gone anyway and finally (for the first time) read the ingredients and decided not to eat it. I couldn't believe my ears! It was so wonderful that he was conscious of the ingredients/crap in there and I offered to whip up a quick chocolate sauce for him (20 seconds or less!). I did the same but less amount of chocolate as the chocolate covered bananas recipe. I poured this mixture over our ice creams and it was wonderful! Harmonia, this is some Hip Whip for you to see. You can go to Hip Whip's Website and take a look at the vegan products. This was a super treat and especially with the whip cream on top. I haven't had whip cream in about 7 years and I recently tried making my own and it was a disaster! This tasted wonderful (Ray agreed) but it was really really sweet. I still ate the whole thing!
he he he! The tabouli looks so funny with yellow tomatoes! I bet it was tasty, though!
Wow -- that smoothie is a cool, purple color! Hooray for blueberries! I love the combo of blueberry-banana, too. :)
Thanks again for testing for me!
The sunday with the hip whip looks gorgeous. My daughter would love making the (I would call them chunky monkeys) chocolate covered bananas.
I just got a load of recipes to test as well. I can't wait...they all look like winners like this tabouli. I think tabouli is the perfect summer food. I find it so refreshing.
Gorgeous stuff!
Catherine, I thought the tabouli looked funny with yellow too, but the more I ate it and looked at it, the more I enjoyed how different it was from the ol standard. As for the smoothie, it was so much more "blue" in real-life.
Dori, the sundae was amazing! The hip whip is so sweet, so I actually still had hip whip at the bottom and ate around it giving it moderation. Those bananas were so easy to make!
awesome food pics - you had me drooling at each step! the colors are so vibrant. i can't wait to test some of catherine's recipes... weird coincidence that we both made dreena's hummus - within the same hour!
Vicki, we are commenting within the same hour now, but I made the hummus at about 6pm Sunday night! I ate some yesterday and I'm about to have the rest now... Thanks for your comments about the photos, the last one is still making me drool.
Megan, I just got your comment now (sorry). I find tabouli refreshing as well as most cold salads, pasta salad, rice, etc. I'd like to know how your testing goes.
It all looks great!
I made my hummus Saturday after ARt mowed the lawn & the pocket sandwiches Sunday. Thanks for the Now & Zen link -- I want to get some of that Hip Whip, & I think they should use your photo on their site as a visual for it! Yummy looking vegan sunday!
Leslie, these are great food pics (and descriptions)! That smoothie looks divine, and so refreshing!! I have to say that your hummus picture puts mine to shame, for sure!! (glad you liked it too)!
I had Hip Whip years ago (maybe 8/9 years back), and that pic looks like perhaps they've improved the recipe some because the texture looks better than I remember. I haven't seen it locally for a long time, but I'd like to try it again now after your post (and photo). :)
Yum! I love Hip Whip! It's a great vegan whip cream. I used it with my tofu pumpkin pie last Thanksgiving and there wasn't much difference from our traditional Cool Whip.
I'm not the biggest fan of tabouli. I think the last time I had some it was kinda past it's prime. But, I'd be willing to try Catherine's once the cookbook comes out.
Primary Consumer, thanks!
Raising Kahne, thanks to you too! The smoothie was just as good to look at as it was to eat!
Vicki, thanks for the comments about my photos and the Hip Whip.
Dreena, thanks! The hummus was awesome, it was gone in 3 days! About the Hip Whip, do try it again as many products are altered over time. The consistency was nice, and even better before the end. This photo is the last of the Hip Whip and you aren't supposed to stir it. It was even fluffier (if you can believe that) early on. And not *too* bad for you, certainly not in the calorie/fat department.
Crystal & Ryan, tabouli is made different all the time. Maybe you don't like bulghur?
First time post, I found your blog through the Vegan Lunchbox. :)
Thanks for the link on Hip Whip, I can't wait to try it! We eliminate artificials/preservatives from our diet and our dd would love this with her dessert!
This all looks great! Is there anyway of making tabbouleh (that's how we spell it in Aus - weird) without tonnes of oil? I would love to mke some, but without all that added fat.
Everything looks wonderful! YAY! I will be visiting more often now that I have went back to for my links...I can see when you update!
I have a Red Quinoa post today!
I love Blue Corn Chips!!!
From Harmonia (wouldn't let me sign in for somereason)
Abby, thanks for visiting! You may want to carefully check the Hip Whip ingredients, because even though they are vegan, they aren't the best either. I finished the tub off, otherwise I'd list them to you. I tried making my own whip from scratch and it was bad. I'd have to keep trying recipes though. Hip WHip certainly tastes good though!
Freedom, you can just eliminate the oil. I had it in there since I was recipe testing for Catherine. I would only drizzle a bit in the end if it were up to me, but the oil does give it great flavor. Look up on for a recipe. Oh, and I've seen tabouli spelled so many ways, that was going to be my title: tabouli, tabbouleh, tabooli, tabuleh, taboul, ect...
Hi Harmonia, I can't wait to check out your Red Quinoa, I'm jealous! We are still workin' on those corn chips, a bag is huge! Thanks for commenting even though you couldn't sign in, that's great!
I sometimes get that Food for Life pita. It's much more wholesome, but my bunch likes the local (fresh) one better.
Isn't that creamy hummus awesome? I have a friend asking for the recipe.
I finally ordered my Vitamix yesterday. I am too excited and have been so nice to my hubby. Go figure!
It all looks so GOOD. I have a sweet tooth and I want that Blueberry shake!
: )
Let us know the recipe as soon as you can. Pllleeaaase
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