Midweek Munchies (3-8-06)
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soymilk (2 pack)
pb (fresh sqeezed by me)
almond butter (same as above)
cones (for ice cream, organic)
cheese for Ray (a soft weird waxy kind)
Cliff Bar (for Ray)
brown rice syrup (I always have at least 2 back-ups)
canola oil (this lasts sooo long. I just needed more for those un-olive-y dishes, usually just for coating)
2 raspberry spritzer cans (we were thirsty)
1 jalepeno and 1 habenero pepper
raisins (used for treats, mostly)
bananas (I don't know why I buy 4-5 bananas every week. I should only get 2-3)
lemons (always have on hand at least 5. I vow to never buy "lemon juice" again)
tofu, silken (2 packs)
coffee (2 kinds)
sunflower seeds
Rustic Sourdough bread (just a small loaf)
wheat flour (I'm running out from the pancakes not baking!)
yukon gold potatoes (forgot to get a little guy of plain milk to make mashed potatoes, mmm)
kale (especially for that lentil dish)
rice puffs (organic)
edamame (shelled)
mineral water (again, for Ray)
frozen blueberries and strawberries (always on stock)
phillo pies (see Chocolate Phylo Pie post, these are pre-baked for my sake)
This is a hefty shopping list. A lot of this stuff is to keep in the freezer, pantry and the perishables get eaten up as soon as possible. We like to keep "options" around the house and many of these are staples around here anyway.
I will also mention that 25% of these groceries are from one store and 75% is from another.
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Which two stores did you go to?
btw, I finally posted a pic of the Pad Thai!
Hi Julie... I went to the Sunflower Market and Whole Foods. The Sunflower Market has great coffee.
Hi NingoStar... the co-op's still on University and Ash. They are moving to the Southeast corner of Mill and Southern Ave in July so you won't have a problem next week. Funny you are coming up here because I may go to Tucson next week for a few short days. I like the co-op there but it's a lot smaller. Have you tried the new vegan/veg restaurants in Tucson that I keep hearing are opening? I found the info at azvegan.com. Thanks for your wonderful comments!
Hi Me... It depends on which items are most important to you. The first thing I just thought about is do you carry a bag or a backpack? That could help with the load and possibly allow more. Or have you ever thought about wheeling a wagon or something?! I would love to have a wagon to go to the store with. Anyway, I am big on the nuts and seeds thing, as well as having at least a pack of pitas if not a loaf of bread, for sure nuts and seeds, and maybe some smaller fruits. I am having trouble thinking of things especially because I don't know what you keep as "staples" around the house, or prefer. I would always go light, never buy beverages, try to only buy cans or heavy items if you have a ride or public transportation (or a wagon!). If you can buy bulk, that's better also that way you can get as little as you need. I hope this helps a little, but in the meantime you should give me some ideas so I can help you too.
Me (again), I agree about the substantial energy with nuts and seeds. I understand what you mean now. That is a good idea with grains and legumes. Buy them dry for two good reasons, 1, they'll be lighter in the bag than if canned and 2, they are better for you than canned but unfortunately take way longer to cook, unless you pre-made a bunch one day to last the week. I would suggest buying maybe 3 kinds of grains and some lentils or something and just switch off seasonings and cooking methods so you don't get bored and you can still use all of your food without buying a lot of different items.
Hi, Leslie.
Awesome and wholesome list here, again!
I'm with you on the "lemon juice". If I didn't squeeze it, then it's not good for food!
Do you eat the edamame by itself? My 2 yr old loves snacking on those.
I responded to your comment on my blog, but it never posted... weird. I'll try again later.
That's quite the shopping list!
Hi Sweetnicks, this week Ray and I stocked up. Many of these items are just quantity:1 and the bulk items, such as the nuts/seeds, there aren't that many, maybe just a handful or two. It is a lot of different stuff, we did fill 3 bags, not our usual 2, and many of it is for the freezer and pantry.
By the way, I used to have a Bernese Mountain Dog, your photo made me miss him. My mom gave him away when I was 10 (15 years ago) because he ate everything! And I mean, everything. I hope yours behaves, because he's super-cute and weighs more than me! I am going to have a big Mastiff one day soon.
Thanks for visiting!
Hi KaiVegan, yes, I like edamame plain, steamed or boiled, with sea salt, without it, with a sauce (such as soy) and I love it mixed in stir-fry's. I am going to try edamame hummus sometime soon. I buy them usually already shelled because you get more beans per weight/price that way. They're a great snack or tasty and colorful with a meal.
Thanks for the ideas NingoStar. I've been to the Casbah tea house. I love the decor there. I have some photos of Ray and I eating at the mini tables there. I'll try to check out some of the newer places. Thanks for your imput.
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