25 May 2006

Hippie Bars and Weirdness

I tested another recipe from Catherine the other day. These are raw Hippie Bars, which consist of dates, agave nectar, rolled oats, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, flax and hemp seeds. That's it! They were super-fast and easy to make, all you need is a bowl and a fork and a fridge (oh, and some Dead playin' in the background). In this case, I had to measure exactly, but from now on I plan on going with what I know best- throwing a bunch of ingredients together and coming up with something great. Thanks for a wonderful recipe Catherine, the rest of the world will soon get to taste how fabulous and lightly sweet these are...

I cut the bars in half to make more, smaller bars. I plan on making some in different varieties soon, apple-cinnamon, cocoa, etc. Even though I think LaraBar has great products, these Hippie Bars put them to shame, especially since they are homemade and taste incredibly fresh - since they are.

Now can someone please tell me what's up with these onions I've got? They seem to have sprouted and I took this photo yesterday, now the sprouts are super-long. Is it still ok to eat these? I only purchased them a few days ago. They are local and organic so I know they won't last rediculously long like conventional foods and processed foods, but this is weird. I need some help in this department please!


  1. My onions sprout often because I buy them in big bags. Unless the onion feels soft and mushy, it should be fine. Simply cut the top off where the sprout is, cut it in half and remove the green parts that probably have reached down the middle. At least that's what I do, and they sprout much more than what's in that picture. ;)

    Those bars look yummy.

  2. Yay! My first comment, and from you! These sprouts are a lot longer today and I did intend on simply cutting them off, but then I didn't know if it would give me *some sort of weird disease* or something! Thanks for the info.

  3. Onions store best in a cool, dark place - that keeps them from sprouting toward the nearest light source. But they're fine to eat even if they have sprouts. All onions start out with big huge sprouty heads (in the garden, when they are picked!) before they get trimmed up for the market. :)

  4. the bar's look great. can't wait for the recipe!

  5. I sometimes have my onions do that. Like Miriam, I just cut out the green part and use the rest as I normally would. I'm still alive! I tried to do a search for you, but couldn't seem to find an answer. I guess it might be like those sprouty things that grow on potatoes sometimes. I just cut those off too.
    And I agree, those bars look really good. I'm all up for apple-cinnamon and of course, COCOA!

  6. Those bars look super good!! They would be great to pack in the car for a day trip!

  7. i really have been meaning to try making bars like those since i see them all the time on your blog and you always talk about how easy they are. i love nutricious stuff like that.

    my onion and garlic do the sprouting thing. sometimes i pitch the garlic, but usually i just cut off the green parts and use 'em up.

  8. Yummy looking bars and I love the name. I was thinking listening to Donovan would be good too while making them. I go for the mellow yellow hippy stuff.
    We eat our onions often with a bit of a sprout and I do them just like
    Miriam said. We just harvested our onions and I will chop up half the harvest to put in the freezer.

  9. I think its fine to eat the onions that way, but when potatoes get green and sprouty I have heard that they are poisonous. Another thing you can do is to plant these back in the ground, if you have a yard, and they will grow and divide and make more onions, but dont let Killian near them if he goes outside. I had a kitty nearly die from eating the green parts of onions out in the yard. Onion anything is poison to kitties.

  10. Your onions should be good.

    Now I'm coveting and wishing that I could test those bars for Catherine, too!

  11. i do exactly what miriam does with sprouting onions. & those hippie bars really look & sound incredible. i can't wait to try them! :o)
    ps - i dig your bamboo serving try & you made art laugh w/your comment!

  12. Hippie Bars? Awesome...no...groovy!

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Thank you to everyone for your comments and advice about the onions. As for the hippie bars, there's only 2 left and they were great even after a few days in the fridge. They are so easy to make! Thanks for the comments!

  14. Hiya
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. My other favorite recipe using tofuttie cream cheese. Wontons! I love eating them with some brown rice and some fruit salad. Great meal.

    I'm liking the the Hippie Bars too and I'm jealous : )

    Talk with you soon


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  16. Wow, those bars do looked good! Today I was posting a photo of the lemon herb tofu I tried from Vive le Vegan...and I saw your comment about Uncle Eddie's. I'd be addicted to them to if they were easier to get my hands on.

    Thanks for stopping by. I've spent quite a bit of time reading though some your recipes and checking out pics. Great blog, I'm adding it the ones I check every few days!

  17. I read the other day that there are "fresh" onions, which only last a week, then there are "storage" onions, which can keep for months. I'm guessing the difference is in the variety of onion, but I had never heard that before and I thought it was interesting. Your onions should be okay, though, if they're not mushy.

  18. So, everyone says to go ahead and cut the sprout out before you cook with it, but I did not have this wisdom. My onions were not mushy- so I just pureed the whole thing for my soup. I did eat some of this onion- but if I eat more, I don't want to be sick- should I dump the whole large pot of soup?

    Thanks, jme
