11 March 2006

Rain in the Desert

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the windows and the sandy ground/concrete outside. I live in the desert (don't mis-read and think I'm talking food, aka, dessert). It's raining. This is amazing. It hasn't rained here since October 16, 2005. This made it over 4 months of no rain, about 144 days! It has been in the mid 70s to the 80s all winter, and exceptionally warm.

On a selfish everyday basis, the warm, even hot winter has been nice and the sunshine, tank tops and flip flops year round really do make me happy... On a more realistic and long-term basis, this is frightening, causes even more wildfires (we already had one here in February), and this Earth is just getting so warm, polluted, and I can go on and on, but I wont... here at least. Bad news.

But, today it's beautiful and about the 5th day I haven't seen sunshine all winter. I love the sun, but this is spectacular, smells great, and I love the sound of the rain falling. It's this weird feeling in the air, in the house, and it's unusually dark inside. I have the curtains open (as always) and I still need to turn on the lights. The dry ground is now wet (for now) and we have poor drainage systems here and I am sure many roads are flooded. Flash floods are basically the only weather-related worry we have. Anyway, it looks wonderful outside and it's certainly a different kind of day here in the Valley. We have been waiting for this for months now and it's a strange, yet wonderful day. I am in shock here people!

This has nothing to do with food, I know, but I wanted to share my excitement and relief with everyone. Oh, and Ray's off to play a wedding today that was supposed to be in an outside Garden. Poor couple, it's been sunny and 80s for almost a year now and on their outdoor wedding day, it rains! I hope they take it lightly and make it mean something.


  1. Wow, Leslie, you MUST be sitting staring at that rain in wonder. I am such a warm weather person. I spent some time in Arizona, first with hubby on a belated honeymoon to the Miraval resort (I'm sure you've heard of it), and that was the best time and trip we've ever had. Then, I was on a business trip in Tempe. I loved the climate, though I know hubby would find it too hot. But, to go that long without rain, yes, it does make you wonder how good that really is. Glad you are able to sit and 'soak up' this experience today! :)

  2. Dreena, it's crazy. My computer faces out the window and while I am "working" I am also blogging, staying in my pj's for as long as possible (all day!?) and literally am soaking up the experience. I would like to move to the northwest some day, but even while I'm enjoying this, I can't imagine too much of it (just like you say about the heat, which I LOVE!). And PS, yes, I know of Miraval Resort, but have never been. I may go to Tucson one day next week.

  3. Hi, Leslie!
    I have yet to come back later and read your post. I've been running around all morning and I'm in the middle of unloading our groceries, but couldn't resist coming here just to let you know that I am so loving the seduction bread from WF! Thank you for sharing. This bread is so awesome that I could devour the whole thing by itself!
    more later...

  4. Hi Kai. I am so happy that you love Seduction Bread as much as I do, as well as being able to eat the whole thing, by itself! It's wonderful.

  5. Speaking of SEDUCTION BREAD, JESS... Here ya go:
    Ingredients: Organic whole wheat flour, organic barley flour, water, organic millet, organic honey (yes I eat honey only in this and very few other things, it's very nutritional and I don't have many issues), organic sunflower seeds, organic pumpkin seeds, organic poppy seeds, organic molasses, organic canola oil, sea salt, yeast.

    There you are my dear...

  6. I saw the headline today about the rain you finally got! Here in northern Cal we've had an unusually warm winter and now, in March, it is raining constantly and last night we even had a bit of snow!!! Crazy.


  7. Hi Nancy. I was wondering if it was going to make National News. Guess so. It's been an interesting, long, lazy day. People at the store (had to get milk, unsweetened) were all very calm and chilled out and happy that it's raining. It is now almost 4pm and it's STILL raining! Crazy.

  8. >>>tank tops and flip flops year round really do make me happy...

    This would be my #1 motivation for wanting to move some place. We get really excited when we visit family in LA and get to do that in the winters.

    Enjoy that "crazy" weather that you're having, while it lasts. It was a "warm" day here today as the temp hit the 50s!

  9. thank you! I've really been in the mood for a nutty grainy bread myself.

  10. Hi, Leslie. We are in Minnesota. And talking about crazy weather, we just had a snow storm last night and today we're left with a scene much like from Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"! So pretty, indescribable! Too bad Zurielle broke the camera. So much for food blog posting!

  11. I was driving to visit my Gma & Gpa (in Yuma) when this crazy weather hit! I am so glad we finally had somw rain. I heard on the news that it snowed in north Scottsdale! Holy crap!

  12. I LOVE rain! How did the wedding go?
