01 March 2006

Faux Falafels + Bonus

Last night I made faux falafel. They are what would be a regular falafel but I added carrots, jalepeno, and a lot of other stuff. It turned out to be my least favorite of all patties I have made, but was worth the try. I just threw a bunch of stuff in a food processor with some chickpeas, blended and added spices. Chilled for an hour in the fridge and then lightly sauteed for a while.

I served these with pita, oranges and romaine. Not shown was tamari-tahini from TEV. This is my tahini server.

Have another look...

Remember from one of the last posts that I was planning on making maple pecans because I refuse to buy them from WFM for $14.99/lb? Well, my attempt failed and I needed to quickly turn these into something else because I certainly wasn't wasting expensive items such as maple syrup, pecans and cashews. I decided to throw in puffed rice, brown and organic for two reasons. One, it is cheap (about a dollar per bigass bag). Also because I needed a binder to fill these and they are sticky but good. A good breakfast treat with the maple syrup.

Faux Falafel- out of ten I gave it a five point five.
Maple Pecan Crispy Treats- out of ten I gave it a nine, especially for being a mistake.


  1. Sometimes mistakes make the best foods, huh?

    And I've got to say that I want your tahini server! How cool!

  2. Hi Susan. You're right about mistakes. I like them sometimes, except for when my oven catches fire and that mistake (wrong size pan) has been a now 2.5 month disaster! Thanks for the comment on the tahini server, I like it myself, very "me" and of course, it's brown (my fav).

    Hi Veggie Woman... Thanks for the comment. I have mixed feelings about these travelling. First of all, I am pretty sure they need refrigeration. But, at the same time, after 2-3 days in the fridge, the rice puffs are getting not quite soggy, but almost "chewy" like the rest. Secondly, the maple syrup is sticky. But remember, I made these thinking I was making something else, and next time I would use less syrup. Lastly, if you did travel with them and found you don't need to keep them cool, I highly suggest keeping them wrapped in parchment paper (that's what I did for Ray at school/work) or keep them in shallow plastic containers.

    They are moister and stickier than soft granola bars. I'll try to figure out a good recipe for this one. Thanks for your interest!

    I will compile a few healthy snack recipes for you today. In the meantime, on my page check out the following recipes for snacks. Most are posted under February 2006.

    -"Special Treats"
    -Totally Nutty Bars from Vive le Vegan (do you have the book? If not GET IT!!!). This one's posted under "Blue Notes".
    -"Miriam's Zucchini Muffins"
    -"Crispy Treaks AKA Snacks"
    -"Millet Puffs"

    Wow, I sure do have a lot of snacks and treats posted (and these are only the ones good for travelling!). And I don't even post treats that I make all the time! Anyway, if you want more specifics on a recipe, let me know (and that goes for anyone else if you are reading this).

  3. Everything looks great. I actually just posted in my comments about my last trouble with falafal. teehee

    I added more pictures on my blog when you have to look.

    Always a joyous visit!


  4. Hi Me (ha, that sounds so funny)... this came out just ok. Check out some of my other patties and they are better.

    I don't bake at the current time, but I do like baked falafel. Bottom line for me: fried is the way to go, just light oil.

  5. Hi Veggie Woman! Thanks for your compliments and I hope you all enjoy the treats. I am trying to gather a long post of treat recipes based on a few requests.
