21 April 2007

Lazy Rice Noodle Tofu Stir-Fry

I am posting this to tide you all over (and myself) while I upload my huge backlog of photos to share with you all. For now, here is some more un-baked goodness I've had sitting as a draft for a long while. A simple, quick, standby for a lazy night. I got some baby bok choy at the co-op (now you have reference to when I made this since the co-op's been gone since late Feb) and knew it had to be thrown into a stir-fry. I love how the greens not offer nutrition and color, it also adds a nice combo of textures, both silky smooth from the leafys and that nice little crunch from the stems. And I love how cute and little they are, especially as you peel down...
I can't remember exactly what is in this, but I do advise you to follow the recipe for the sauce on my recipes page, the "Best Spicy Stir-fry" one. Now if you are super-lazy like I was that night, most of your ingrdients should be pre-cut in bags (organic of course) in the freezer. I simply cut the tofu earlier in the day and marinated it in the sauce until I was ready to cook. If you are super lazy, skip the marinated step altogether. Now that the tofu is ready to go, pull out your ingredients. I first start with taking out a pot and boiling the rice noodles. You don't have to start with this since they are so quick, you can actually end with this step, but I like to know they are done and I just let them sit while I'm cooking. Plus, rice noodles are made in a matter of three or four minutes, rather than almost an hour like grain rice, hence the laziness...

Back to the ingredients... In my case, the only necessary chopping/cutting was half an onion, a few cloves of garlic, carrots (you can see I cut them lazy-large) and the baby bok choy. The rest is simple, just pull out whatever you have suitable in the freezer and dump in in a heated wok with olive oil. I like to keep tri-colored bell peppers in the freezer especially for times when organic bells are $6 a pound fresh! I also keep edamame (a great snack) and cashews of course. Dump it all in the wok and heat on high or med-high until everything is nice and browned and steaming hot. Pour it over the noodles and consume.
This looks a lot "blander" and beige than it really is... the spicy sauce really ties it all together, you just can't really see it. There you have it, a lazy stir-fry. I will post more drool-worthy stuff soon, stay tuned.

11 April 2007

Long Time Gone

Just like the CSNY lyrics ("it's been a long time comin', its goin' to be a long time gone"), although I don't plan on being gone-gone for this long again. I'm sorry I was away for as long as I was, it was unintentional but a good break. I don't know where to start... it's been so long.

I think I'll start with telling you all how wonderful, thoughtful, caring, and meaningful you are to me. And that I am sorry for being gone so long. I have received a slew of comments for the longest time now, from people who are my friends to bloggers I don't even "know". All of your notes, emails, pop-in's, and pressure, each one has made me smile (or feel bad and guilty, but still!) and I am reminded how many amazing, kindred people read my blog and care so much! Thank you all... And please do know, people on my links among others, I am always reading your blogs and I enjoy them all so much. I have not been completely gone, just very very quiet...

It's been a long time since I've posted and I have a lot of "news" that's not new anymore. First off, I owe you all photos since Thanksgiving. Geez! Well, it hasn't been *that* long but I do have my thanksgiving feast to share before the next one comes again. At this rate, I really better get to it... I have had a lot going on, been busy, been lazy, and have had some serious personal revelations/changes lately... more on that later on (later as in a few weeks). I also had a birthday come and go. Oh, and I started running (rather than no exercise at all) and it feels really good on many levels. Killian is just as fat (and cute) as ever but he did bite me again. I was really hurt from it but turns out he had a bladder infection, among other things. We're both ok now, I think.

Let's get back onto the food. I have some serious news here people. If for whatever reason you aren't sitting down, please do so right now... Take a moment... ok... Guess what?!!?

Keep guessing...

I baked. Yes! I freakin' baked again (yay)! Some of you already know and thank you for keeping my "secret". While all of this excitement is going through your head, please know that I am also sorry for not sharing with you earlier... I almost feel sneaky... I've been baking since December 11th, 2006 again! But it's great, I just went for it that day and all was well. I started with Dreena's Homestyle Chocolate Chip cookies because, how could I not?! I've heard so much about them, a fellow blogger sent me some of her homemade ones (thanks Jody!) and now I have my own. Plus, I love anything by Dreena. Here you see them modified with macadamia nuts (when they were 35% off at the co-op). I started baking before the holidays, through the holidays, and I just couldn't stop until about a month after the holidays! They're the best cookies ever. I ate sooo many cookies in a 6 week span. Hence the running...

Speaking of the co-op, I have some very sad news. As of late February, Gentle Strength Co-op (Tempe, AZ) closed it's doors. And they just moved in November... there weren't enough investors and to be honest, this city is really changing fast (daily, before my eyes) and many like-minded co-op people have moved up and on. I'm sad by these facts, but there will be "something" I hear... for now the only 2 CSAs (lame) are not taking new members, WF raised its prices ridiculously and changed certain distributors and I've always had produce issues with them anyway, and I really need to get my ass to some farmers markets (besides The Farm at South Mountain, which is still good enough for me) because I'm super sad I can't easily obtain local organic produce. But this also puts it in perspective for me how fortunate I was (and am) for being able to just go to the co-op whenever I wanted, purchased local organics for good prices. Those days are over but I have a lot of good memories... and I'm sad I can't get Wildwood chocolate milk (or any of their milks), bulk organic hempseeds, ricemellow, the best tasting organic fair trade oily coffee beans in the world, local greens from Matt's house, prepared organic vegan deli foods, personal care items, avocados, and a few other novelties only my precious co-op had. I am constantly saddened by the closing of this, but it is really also a slap in the face as to how much this place is changing (as if I haven't noticed already)... I am going to take my cooler and go down to Tucson one day soon and shop at their co-op... I ideally want to go to New Frontiers or the co-op in Flag but it's a bit of a longer drive (but prettier) so I will save that for sometime in May and I can go camping woo hoo! Ok, enough ranting, onto the photos...
Featured above: Vive le Vegan (Dreena's) Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies with added macadamia nut flare. Look at these fluffy babies! Yum.
More cookies... flatter cookies, but good cookies. With walnuts. I managed to only stick with the homestyle cookies of Dreena's. They are the best ever and can be modified with any additional flare. I swear I can't make any other kind of cookie... And back there you see my lovely (old and gone) co-op purchases, precious avocado (for a good price and USA) and bulk organic maple syrup. I'm soooo sad I can't get either of these anymore.
Looks like I gave in and bought WF maple syrup. Totally not the same (and my wallet knows that too). These are more of Dreena's cookies... who knows what I put in them this time. Sorry for so many [boring] cookie photos. I'm sure it's all old-hat to a lot of you but for me not having homemade cookies straight out of the oven for over a year was pretty rough! So, just be thankful I only posted these, as I took tons of the same sorts of cookie photos.
More of Dreena's cookies... This time just being lazy and dumped all the batter into this 8" pie pan. Yum. With ice cream it is even better (duh). Ok, I promise to show more than just these same types of cookies. I have so many baked goods to show you. One of my all time favorites is Kris' (squirrels vegan kitchen) Boston Cream Pie. I made it twice in a week! Stay tuned.

Again, thanks to all of you awesome bloggers for your support, kind words, advice and pop-ins. I appreciate it so much. I promise to get back to normal blogging sometime in the near future, for now things are pretty up in the air. Thanks for still reading my blog, even if it was a long time gone...